
The Lord is my Shepherd, I’ll not want

Diana Duncan-Fletcher: "As God's child I know I am accepted by him, loved by him and comforted by him—even when I do mess up."
 on July 11, 2024
Mark Hauser

“Only God can judge,” and “I am a child of God,” are two phrases that I say to myself often. It helps keep me focused on the importance of letting go of opinions that I really have no right to express (This is apparently one of the things I do from time to time that annoys people. When the priest at the church I attend told me this, I challenged her to give me an example of when that had occurred. Perhaps, fortunately, she could not come up with one on the spur of the moment. But, it did make me think more carefully about her comment). As God’s child I know I am accepted by Him, loved by Him, and comforted by Him—even when I do mess up. All I have to do is ask for forgiveness if I have offended someone, and He is there to reassure and shepherd me. And, I do ask often! Treading on peoples’ toes is not a good thing, and not everyone likes to be caught doing so. I am no exception.

All that being said, there are times when I feel led by an inner voice to say something. On those occasions, I believe that this is meant to be said. So, when I am prompted to share a thought or observation, I do feel guided by God to respond. Sometimes it is wrong NOT to speak up. The key issue is: When is it right, and when isn’t it?

Every one of us has things in their lives that they wish they could change, or regrets that have coloured their world—the ‘what if’s’ of living that result in negativity. I know it is hard to put them aside and move forward. When we ask for forgiveness and believe God hears our request, we should also feel His love and acceptance. But, sometimes, the mundane things in our lives take over, and priorities are abandoned. It is at these times that I feel the need to escape. I treasure those God-found opportunities. I love peace and quiet. It is bliss to sit quietly and read or write without being interrupted, to listen to birdsongs or music, to hear the sound of gentle rain, or watch soft, fluffy snowflakes. I am sure that is why our cottage is one of my favourite places. There I find tranquility. The troubles in our world, the “rat race” parts of daily living disappear and I feel the deep inner peace absorbing the beauty surrounding me. It is especially in these times that I feel the presence of our Lord as Shepherd.

How about you? Where is your quiet corner where you can be still and hear His voice? Not surprisingly, I also hear His voice when in the company of others who have similar values or beliefs. A phrase or kind word, a gentle smile to encourage someone having a tough day do mean SO much. After all, none of us knows exactly what the story is behind an individual’s life unless they trust you enough to share it. Otherwise it becomes a kind of mask effect, hiding their truth from prying eyes. I have learned not to assume anything. Instead I accept that I am not walking in their moccasins, and keep them in my heartfelt prayers.

I also believe that the 23rd Psalm is balm to the wounded spirit: “The Lord’s my shepherd. I’ll not want. He leads me beside quiet waters. He restores my soul.”

Thanks be to God!

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