
Mary did you know?

By Diana Duncan-Fletcher
 on March 4, 2025
Christ Church Cataraqui

My challenge this Lent is to think about Jesus’s mother and how she coped through this most bewildering time. According to what is known, we believe she was now about 48 years old  and a widow. She had other children, but did not have much family support according to what Mark wrote in his Gospel Chapter 3: 21. The family in Nazareth believed Jesus was insane. So Mary’s real “family” included His disciples and the group of women followers who surrounded her. They were of comfort to Mary.

I really don’t know how she managed. I am very fortunate to have a loving husband and three grown up children and many friends whose support is ongoing. Every family has to deal with problems, but nothing like this sort of devastating situation. Eventually, as Jesus was hanging on his cross, He gave His mother into the care and nurturing of his disciple John. She became part of that family for the rest of her life. Whether this scenario was ever discussed beforehand to either Mary or John is not known. Mary obviously was nurtured and cared for by John, but I am quite sure this was not an easy time for her, or for that family.

Heard during Christmastime there is a relatively modern carol called: “Mary, Did You Know?”  It was written by in 1984 by Mark Lowery and later the tune was composed by Buddy Greene. The carol asks a variety of questions to Mary. These also make us aware of some of the very important occurrences in Jesus’s life. But there are a few missing links. I have added a few thoughts of my own to those mentioned:

Mary, did you know:
About your son’s triumphant journey through the streets of Jerusalem, while riding on an unbroken colt?
That within a week, Jesus would be spat upon and reviled?
That He would be betrayed by one of his own disciple believers?
That He would be whipped and stripped and made to carry His own cross?
That He would cry out to the Father asking to have this cup taken from him?
That most of His disciples would desert Him in this hour of need?
That only the women would be at His side at the crucifixion?
That throughout this ordeal He accepted and gave thanks?
Mary did you know?

Perhaps you have other lines to add to mine. Jesus gave so much to us. I know that Mary realized He was no ordinary baby. In Luke 2:19 we read: “But Mary treasured all these things and pondered them in her heart.” I am sure that her love for Jesus never failed. But I wonder how she was able to anoint His body with oils and perfumes and not question what his life really meant. Fortunately we have answers. Nevertheless, Mary has given me lots on which to reflect.

Today we give thanks for Jesus’s resurrection at Easter, and the ongoing peace and love He bestowed upon us.

Thanks be to God. Hallelujah and Amen!

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