

Report on reducing emissions in Diocese of Ontario churches

The 2021 Synod passed a resolution addressing our responsibilities under the Fifth Mark of Mission of the Anglican Communion: to “strive to safeguard the integrity of creation, and sustain and renew the life of the earth.” Clause 4 of the resolution calls upon our parishes to: “continue the development of action plans including reducing our carbon footprint by 50% by 2030 over 2018 levels and to report annually to synod council on the progress being made.” To assess the progress

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A computer graphic of a fig tree on a white background.

Are you looking for solutions?

The world knows we are facing a severe climate crisis. Scientists tell us how little time we have left to respond. Our leaders talk of change but the pace of action is painfully slow. As Christians, are we feeling some urgency in God’s call to be good stewards of this beautiful and suffering creation? Are we looking for solutions? This is a collective problem. Together we have made this mess and together we must clean it up. It will take

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In the foreground a concrete surface with a few decorative things on the surface. A small blue sign with yellow text reads "Camino de Santiago. Camino Portuges."

The bottle at the Cross

When you walk outside for weeks, day after day, through farmlands, villages, vineyards, along rivers, over hills and through forests you cannot help but see and feel the beauty of creation. Such a walk is the Portuguese Camino de Santiago. It is over 600 kilometres when walking from Lisbon to Santiago de Compostela. Sadly, along with the beauty of creation, there is a lot of litter. Much of it appears to be left by pilgrims walking to Santiago. There are

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A thermal image showing thermal bridges on an exterior wall. The image indicates that the lower part of the wall is cooler than the upper part.

Reducing heat loss/lowering heating costs in your church: a new tool available in the Diocese of Ontario

The 2021 Synod of the Diocese of Ontario passed a motion that the parishes should “reduce their carbon emissions by 50% by 2030 over 2018 levels and to report annually to Synod Council on progress being made”. The period is short and the challenge large; how can the parishes respond? The Diocesan Green Group developed a website discussing implications of this resolution and providing information about options to achieve the goal (visit In this brief article, we report on

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