

Waiting in hope? Or waiting for apocalypse?

Dark clouds loom! Increasingly devastating news about climate; wildfires, historic heat waves, devastating droughts and floods, climate refugees; all converge with political news to create an “apocalyptic feel”. With each wave of destruction, it seems as if the earth groans; a “birth pang” moving us towards the birth of some kind of world we haven’t known before; as St. Paul wrote: “For we know that the whole creation has been groaning together in the pains of childbirth until now.” (Romans

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Technician with heat pump compressor.

Controlling temperature in church buildings

As part of our commitment to help members of our diocese be better stewards of God’s Creation, our Diocesan Green Group has recommended each congregation acquire a professional energy audit, or where that seems beyond reach, contact us for a visit from one of our members trained in the use of our thermal imaging camera. We have thermal imaged six churches in winter 2023. A crucial factor to consider before spending any money, is your minimum set back temperature during

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