
Bishop-elect Cliff to be installed as 13th bishop

Bishop William Cliff
Bishop William Cliff pictured at his episcopal election on April 29, 2023. Photo-Mark Hauser.
 on September 1, 2023

Investigation determines allegation not supported by evidence

Headshot of Bishop Oulton
Bishop Michael Oulton

Following the election of Bishop William Cliff on April 29 to serve as the 13th bishop of our diocese, an allegation against Bishop Cliff was received by our Metropolitan Archbishop Anne Germond. The result of that allegation paused the concurrence process and necessitated the commencement of a formal investigative process undertaken at the Provincial level. Bishop Cliff was placed on an administrative suspension, known as an inhibition, a normal step in such circumstances pending the outcome of an investigation.

A full and thorough investigation of the matter over the ensuing three months has now concluded, with a definitive finding that the allegation against Bishop Cliff is not supported by the evidence. The findings were clear and unambiguous. The concurrence process has now concluded, and I will begin discussions with Bishop Cliff regarding his translation and installation to serve as our next bishop.

While I feel immense relief that this matter has come to conclusion, I find little cause for rejoicing. Lives have been turned upside down, especially that of Bishop Cliff. The pain of these three months will not be erased simply as a result of this finding, but it will begin the process of healing. Your ongoing prayerful support will be a key component of that healing for all involved, as it was throughout these past months.

I want to extend my deep thanks to Archbishop Germond for her leadership through this time, along with our Provincial Chancellor Bryan Finlay and the members of the Safe Church Response Team whose professionalism and commitment was exemplary. 

May the Spirit who has promised to be the light for our path and a lamp for our feet, guide us forward in the days ahead.

Yours in Christ’s Service,
Bishop Michael Oulton.

ArchbishopAnne Germond
Anne Germond

On May 1 of this year, following an allegation against the Rt. Rev. William Cliff, I suspended the concurrence process of the Ontario House of Bishops which is a canonical requirement for Bishop Cliff to be the bishop-elect of the Diocese of Ontario. The election of the 13th bishop of Ontario took place on Saturday April 29 at St. George’s Cathedral in Kingston, Ontario.

The Church at every level -national, provincial, diocesan, takes the safety and rights of all seriously as part of our baptismal covenant and commitment to respect the dignity of every human being.

In response to situations in the past, the Province, and each of its dioceses put a response team into place to investigate allegations which are more complex. An investigation into the allegation against Bishop Cliff ensued. During the course of this investigation Bishop Cliff was inhibited in the Ecclesiastical Province of Ontario and in Rupert’s Land where he presently serves as the Bishop of Brandon.

The allegations against Bishop Cliff have been thoroughly and professionally investigated by members of the Safe Church Resource Team (SCRT) of the Ecclesiastical Province of Ontario over the last three months. The members of the SCRT in Ontario were trained and resourced to conduct the investigation which was undertaken in a manner which is consistent with best practices and with the principles of Natural Justice. The investigation was overseen by the Chancellor of the Ecclesiastical Province of Ontario. There was no other involvement by leadership.

The investigators concluded that the evidence did not support the allegation. 

On Tuesday August 1, I resumed the concurrence process of the Ecclesiastical Province of Ontario House of Bishops and have received confirmation in the affirmative from all of the bishops.  The Rt. Reverend Bishop William Cliff is officially the bishop-Elect of the Diocese of Ontario.

There is now no impediment to Bishop William being installed as the thirteenth Bishop of Ontario.

Bishop Cliff’s inhibition in the Ecclesiastical Provinces of Ontario and Rupert’s Land are immediately lifted, and Bishop Cliff is able to resume his duties as the Bishop of Brandon. 

Bishop Cliff and Bishop Oulton will begin working on the transition within the Diocese of Ontario, and a date for Bishop Cliff’s Installation as the 13th Bishop of Ontario will be worked on in the coming weeks.

The report of the investigators is confidential and will not be released, respecting all those involved in the investigation. The findings are clear, and the conclusions have been communicated with all parties.

As this challenging time draws to a close, I invite your prayers for all those who have been affected or involved in the events of the last months that all may know the peace of Christ and themselves as beloved of God.

May the grace and peace of our Lord be with you,

Archbishop Anne Germond,
Metropolitan of the Ecclesiastical Province of Ontario

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