

A headshot of a white man with brown hair and glasses wears a priest collar and is photographed in front of an organ.

New Dean for St. George’s Cathedral

Bishop Michael Oulton is pleased to announce the appointment of the Reverend Douglas Michael as Dean of Ontario, Rector of Kingston, and Incumbent of the ...
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An older shite man in a blue shirt and a black jacket is photographed in front of a beige photo backdrop.

Diocese of Ontario Foundation: serving others

“Father, enliven the Church for its mission, that we may be salt of the earth and light to the world.” -A New Zealand Prayer Book ...
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A close cropped photo of a stone angel.

Lenten Series: From Grief Toward Healing, Responding to the Crises of Our Times

The last two years have created a lot of grief and consequently there’s no shortage of topics to engage and reflect upon.  The Justice & ...
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An older man in a robe and head covering tends to a younger man with visible wounds.

Anglican Diocese of Ontario Foundation pivots

Just as people and parishes are pivoting from one direction to another during this pandemic, the Anglican Diocese of Ontario is also pivoting in its ...
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A black and white cameo style image of a man in middle age in 1800s clothing.

Abide with me

“Hold Thou Thy cross before my closing eyes; “In life, in death, O Lord, abide with me.” The words above are two lines out of ...
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A photograph of green forest with more vibrantly green trees in the foreground and fading ones in the background.

Diocese of Ontario Green Group Seeks help with Creation Care efforts

For over ten years the Diocese of Ontario Green Group met almost monthly for potluck suppers in the homes of members. Discussions led to plans ...
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A banner with multiple photos of children with coloured overlays. Text reads 'Anglican Foundation of Canada' 'Say Yes! to kids' 'Growing a brighter future, today.' 'Campaign launches April 1'

AFC: Say Yes! to Kids 2022

The Anglican Foundation of Canada (AFC) is stepping up its commitment to young people across Canada with an even more ambitious plan to fund ministry ...
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Two white women are outside speaking over a green cooler. The woman on the left has gey hair and a hat the woman on the right has dark hair and glasses.

Shared Leadership

Our conventional model of clergy leadership has been a solo incumbent with a single or multi-point parish. As the Anglican Church of Canada has changed ...
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A painting of Jesus with disciples in a boat barely visible beneath waves in a storm.

Other little ships

This is a difficult article to compose. I am writing against the backdrop of lockdown and anti-vaccine mandate protests stretching into weeks in Ottawa, with ...
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