
Sister let me be your servant: Funding renewed Guest House at SSJD

 on October 17, 2024

Our 2025 Diocesan Synod is less than a year away and there still remains matters from our 2023 Synod, specifically our pledge of support to the Sisters of Saint John the Divine (SSJD).

The Sisters of Saint John the Divine are an order of the Anglican Church of Canada, and their Motherhouse is in Toronto. The sisters continue to reach out in teaching, healing, caring, and loving the people God brings to them at the Motherhouse where they provide active hospitality, retreats, spiritual direction, and outreach into the community. They also continue to provide spiritual care to patients, staff, and students at St John’s Rehab, founded by the Sisterhood in 1936 and now part of Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre.

During the 2023 synod we were addressed by Sister Constance Joanna of the SSJD in Toronto, a frequent visitor to and previous speaker at our diocesan synods over the last three decades. She acquainted delegates with the Sisters plan to renovate and upgrade their guesthouse.

Their project “Home for the Heart” meets the urgent need to replace the roof, the windows, and the heating/cooling system with more environmentally friendly systems, as well as to upgrade and in some cases reconstruct bedrooms, bathrooms, and meeting rooms, including new flooring. One of the most crucial reconstruction projects is a new accessible entrance into the Guest House. The majority of the $6 million for this project has already been raised, but the final $1million is still needed to complete what was begun.

At our last Synod, a motion was made by the Very Reverend Doug Michael and seconded by the Rev Lynn Mitchell: “Now, therefore this Synod resolves to pledge by way of contributions and solicited donations, at least $30,000 towards the refurbishment of the guest house of SSJD to support their ongoing ministry, and for the support of the future life of the Anglican communion in Canada.”

The motion was carried to raise these funds outside of the diocesan budget. In this work we celebrate with thanksgiving the hundred and thirty-eight years of ministry by the sisters of the SSJD in Toronto and the contribution of the guest house and retreat ministry of SSJD has made in that time to the common life and spirituality of the Anglican communion in Southern Ontario and across the Anglican Church of Canada.

The time has now come for our diocese to move forward on a promise made just over a year ago. Individual donations are welcome, and parish advisory councils are encouraged to undertake a fundraiser to support this appeal. Funds raised are non-assessable for the purposes of CMM. Cheques can be made payable to the Anglican Diocese of Ontario with the notation of ‘SSJD Motherhouse’ on its memo line. Please support this appeal and It is our hope that we can discharge this obligation by year’s end and do our part in the renovation and restoration and repair efforts at the Motherhouse of the SSJD.

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