
Fall 2022 Issue

A painting of Jesus with disciples in a boat barely visible beneath waves in a storm.

Other little ships

Two white women are outside speaking over a green cooler. The woman on the left has gey hair and a hat the woman on the right has dark hair and glasses.

Shared Leadership

Our conventional model of clergy leadership has been a solo incumbent with a single or multi-point parish. As the Anglican ...
A banner with multiple photos of children with coloured overlays. Text reads 'Anglican Foundation of Canada' 'Say Yes! to kids' 'Growing a brighter future, today.' 'Campaign launches April 1'

AFC: Say Yes! to Kids 2022

The Anglican Foundation of Canada (AFC) is stepping up its commitment to young people across Canada with an even more ...
A photograph of green forest with more vibrantly green trees in the foreground and fading ones in the background.

Diocese of Ontario Green Group Seeks help with Creation Care efforts

For over ten years the Diocese of Ontario Green Group met almost monthly for potluck suppers in the homes of ...
A black and white cameo style image of a man in middle age in 1800s clothing.

Abide with me

“Hold Thou Thy cross before my closing eyes; “In life, in death, O Lord, abide with me.” The words above ...
An older man in a robe and head covering tends to a younger man with visible wounds.

Anglican Diocese of Ontario Foundation pivots

Just as people and parishes are pivoting from one direction to another during this pandemic, the Anglican Diocese of Ontario ...
A close cropped photo of a stone angel.

Lenten Series: From Grief Toward Healing, Responding to the Crises of Our Times

The last two years have created a lot of grief and consequently there’s no shortage of topics to engage and ...
An older shite man in a blue shirt and a black jacket is photographed in front of a beige photo backdrop.

Diocese of Ontario Foundation: serving others

“Father, enliven the Church for its mission, that we may be salt of the earth and light to the world.” ...
A headshot of a white man with brown hair and glasses wears a priest collar and is photographed in front of an organ.

New Dean for St. George’s Cathedral

Bishop Michael Oulton is pleased to announce the appointment of the Reverend Douglas Michael as Dean of Ontario, Rector of ...
A closeup of a bronze statue of two people embracing forehead to forehead.

The Great Commandment as roadmap

The road to reconciliation can be long, fraught and filled with uncertain moments along the way. The challenge we have ...
In the foreground a white refugee woman in winter wear holds a baby in a blue fuzzy suit. In the background other refugees and volunteers.

Refugee sponsors needed

In March 2020, when COVID-19 was declared a global pandemic, the impact was immediate to refugee sponsorship groups like the ...
A white woman with red/brown hair wears a beige and black dress and stands in fronton a microphone.

St. Mary Magdalene Napanee joins national youth-focused fundraising campaign: Say Yes! to Kids

On Tuesday, April 19 the Anglican Foundation of Canada (AFC) kicked-off its 2nd annual Say Yes! to Kids Campaign. “Last ...
A closeup of a charger plugged into a yellow-green electric car

Diocese of Ontario Green Group What can I do about Climate Change?

Climate change. Global heating. The issue is in the news daily and in our minds constantly. Is climate change a ...

Christian Love and acceptance

Angela Schaffner wrote: “We each have our calling and our place within the body of Christ, and God calls us ...
A computer image of a series of slices of bread. The first one is yellow with two fishes on it, the other are all blue. Below text reads: more than enough.

Wealth of Year-round Stewardship resources material readily available for parishes

More Than Enough is the 2022 theme for year-round stewardship education and development resources offered to Anglican and Episcopal parishes ...
Young woman holding up a white bishop's mitere.

The Boy Bishop

Archives Summer Intern Kelly Goslin reaches into a gray cardboard box and retrieves a cream-coloured bishop’s mitre. Despite its 100+ ...
A photo of the Jerusalem Citadel walls under a blue sky.

Summer Fruit for Souls 2022

From far and wide, lay people gathered again via zoom to worship, pray, learn and chat at Summer Fruit for ...
A spruce seedling on a black background with a tag that has a picture of a church and reads: "In Celebration of the 150th Anniversary of St. Paul's Anglican Church, Cardinal"

St. Paul’s Spruce Seedlings

St. Paul’s Anglican Church in Cardinal hosted Bishop Michael Oulton on a Sunny Sunday morning in early October this year ...
A conifer forest which is more vibrant in the foreground and dulled as if by fog in the background.

From the tiny seed comes the mighty tree

One of the greatest joys I experience as an Anglican is being part of a church that exists from a ...
A glass jar win coins in it has a post-it on the front that reads "Future". The jar is in in front of a green grassy background and a white hand is placing a coin in the jar.

Gift planning 101

“The Minister of the Congregation is directed to instruct the people, from time to time, about the duty of Christian ...
A graphic of a red house with a yellow roof is above a title that reads "Luke's Place Kingston". Below that is a yellow bar with a red border inside of which is text that reads "You can help raise $50,000 for urgent housing needs in the community"

Luke’s Place Kingston

One of the joys of being a “retired” priest in our diocese is the opportunity of assisting the bishop in ...
A thermal image showing thermal bridges on an exterior wall. The image indicates that the lower part of the wall is cooler than the upper part.

Reducing heat loss/lowering heating costs in your church: a new tool available in the Diocese of Ontario

The 2021 Synod of the Diocese of Ontario passed a motion that the parishes should “reduce their carbon emissions by ...
A yellow sign in both English and Afrikaans reads: "For use by white persons. These public premises and the amenities thereof have been reserved for the exclusive use of white persons. By order provincial secretary."

Making life count

“Come, let us walk in the light of our God!” – Isaiah 2: 5 One of my children, then aged ...
In the foreground a concrete surface with a few decorative things on the surface. A small blue sign with yellow text reads "Camino de Santiago. Camino Portuges."

The bottle at the Cross

When you walk outside for weeks, day after day, through farmlands, villages, vineyards, along rivers, over hills and through forests ...
Five burlap sacks of grain open on top are in front of a neutral background. One in the foreground is spilling Putin front of the others.

Gift Planning 102:

The Winter 2022 edition of Dialogue published the first part of a series on gift planning.  Under an interesting photograph ...
A white man, Bishop Fulton, in a priest collar and black jacket stands in front of a podium with a golden bird on the front of it. Another white man stands in the background in a purple shirt and black jacket.

Bishop Oulton has ‘left the buliding’ (almost)

Twelve years ago on February 12th, 2011, I stood at the lectern of St. George’s Cathedral to address the assembled ...

In Pictures: Dialogue takes a look back at Bishop Michael’s 12 years of Episcopal Ministry in the Anglican Diocese of Ontario

Five white people stand in front of a Christmas tree and Christmas boxes. One man at each end and three women in the middle. The woman in the centre wears a Christmas sweater.

Lunch by George Thanks the Staff of the Diocese of Ontario

OSGK – Lunch by George wishes to thank Bishop Michael Oulton and the Staff of the Anglican Diocese of Ontario ...
A white man with glasses in a collar and robes stands in front of a church wall. The photo is black and white and clearly white old.

Share the light and Be firm in your faith

“See the light in others and treat them as if that is all you see.”  (Wayne Dyer) The above quote ...
A computer graphic of a fig tree on a white background.

Are you looking for solutions?

The world knows we are facing a severe climate crisis. Scientists tell us how little time we have left to ...
A white hand puts a coin into a jar full of coins. To the right there is a series of stacks os coins getting shorter towards the right.

A gift that gives back: “the Gift Plus Annuity”

For some time now you’ve known about the ministry and projects of the Anglican Diocese of Ontario Foundation and its ...
A white man stands in front of a podium of an auditorium. A few other people sit at tables at the front. The auditorium has green chairs and is mostly full.

Synod 2023: Forward! Together in the Spirit

The 145th Synod of the Diocese of Ontario, “Forward! Together in the Spirit“ began on Friday, May 26, at Queen’s ...

Bishop William Cliff elected 13th Bishop of Ontario

The Rt. Rev. William Cliff, Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Brandon, has been elected to succeed The Rt. Rev ...
A stock image of a homeless person lying on the ground wearing a red toque. They are next to a sign that says 'Homeless and Hungry'

It takes courage

One of my favourite Biblical verses is:  “This is the day that the Lord hath made; let us rejoice and ...
A computer graphic of a greyed out map of Canada is superimposed with bubbles with grant areas and amounts. The title reads "AFC & The Diocese of Ontario: $181,500 to 28 Recipients" The bubbles read: "Community Ministries $27,500 to 7 recipients." :Leadership & Education $10,000 to 5 recipients." "Diverse Infrastructure $132,000 to 13 recipients" "Youth Focused Grants $44,000 to 11 recipients" :Sacred Music & Liturgical Arts $11,500 to 3 recipients"

2023 Anglican Foundation of Grants total $40,000 to Diocese of Ontario

The Anglican Foundation of Canada (AFC) Board of Directors met in Halifax, Nova Scotia on May 17–18, 2023, and approved ...

Diocese of Ontario Says Yes! to Igniting Youth Leadership in our deaneries

This year, in thanksgiving for and recognition of the ministry of Bishop Michael, the Diocese of Ontario is partnering with ...

2023 RFP GOES GREEN: AFC issues $100,000 Green-Themed Request for Proposals (RFP)

The Anglican Foundation of Canada (AFC) is inviting all Canadian Anglicans to put on their green-coloured classes and ready their ...
Three white people stand together. The woman on the right holds a plate and wears a blue dress and red bandana around her head. In the middle a man also holds a plate in a black shirt with collar and black jacket has his glasses on top of his head. The woman on the right is wearing a black brimmed hat with white flowers, a red jacket over a patterned blue and red dress.

Coronation Sunday at St. Paul’s in Brockville

St. Paul’s Anglican Church in Brockville celebrated the coronation of His Majesty King Charles lll with a celebratory brunch following ...
Technician with heat pump compressor.

Controlling temperature in church buildings

As part of our commitment to help members of our diocese be better stewards of God’s Creation, our Diocesan Green ...
Bishop William Cliff

Bishop-elect Cliff to be installed as 13th bishop

Following the election of Bishop William Cliff on April 29 to serve as the 13th bishop of our diocese, an ...
Group of parishioners listening to a presentation by Bishop Riscylla

Summer Fruit for Souls 2023

Excited to reunite with old friends and make new ones, twenty-two lay readers and lay leaders from the dioceses of ...
A forrest in fall, with a bed of yellow leaves across the ground. Small bumps are in the foreground covered in leaves and sticks.

Environmentally friendly green burials

The Season of Creation (September 1-October 4, 2023) recognizes that humanity has been entrusted with the care of the earth. ...
Four white men stand in a line. From left to right, and older man in a checkered shirt and then three high school age men. The first in toque, the second without a hat, and the third in a motherboard.

National Youth Campaign Raises $80,000: Napanee’s St. Mary Magdalene one of 17 successful Say Yes! to Kids fundraising teams

The Anglican Foundation of Canada (AFC) is celebrating the success of its 3rd annual Say Yes! to Kids (SYTK) campaign, ...
Digital art of a computer with a search engine page open, surrounded by related smaller objects such as a magnifying glass and trophy.

Artificial Intelligence, algorithms, autocorrect, the church, and spirituality

Once while typing “The United States of America” I found autocorrect completed my words.  Autocorrect is an algorithm driven by ...
A teddybear and red mug are held in the hands of a small white child. The photo is cropped tightly.

Day by day

Two close friends of mine, Lina and Elias, are pastors in an evangelical church. Our families have been blessed to ...

Greening our diocese

What is your church doing to care for creation? In what ways is your church lowering its carbon footprint? These ...

Legacy gifts ‘lift all boats’: name your passion, grow your legacy

In 1973, A.E.J. “Ted” Fulford partnered with the Anglican Foundation of Canada (AFC) to develop a trust to promote, develop, ...

Advent: a season of expectation and preparation

Drop down, ye heavens, from above, and let the skies pour down righteousness… Advent is about waiting and yearning. The ...

Prescott Pollinator Project at the Greater Glory Garden

Jon: I feel particularly blessed to live in Southern Ontario. We delight in the blueberries and strawberries of spring, the ...

The greatest present is a promise: Christians await the coming of Christ

Often the question we ask in Advent is, ‘What are we waiting for?’ The answer is simple. We’re waiting for ...

For all the saints

This past Summer I spent a long weekend in Quebec City. I was there essentially to join with family to ...

Care of Creation and the Fashion industry

One of the joys of living in a temperate climate is the necessity of changing clothing with the seasons. We ...

Check-in on community engagement with coordinator Russ Grant

As the diocesan community engagement coordinator, I ask: What is Community Engagement? Anything we do to put ourselves in front ...

Faith, belief and the cost of discipleship

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a dedicated nation, a people claimed by God for his own, ...

Save Sunday June 2 for Say Yes! to Kids Sunday

Say Yes! to Kids (SYTK) is an annual fundraising appeal sponsored by the Anglican Foundation of Canada (AFC). Launched in ...

Saint Lawrence Parish meets accessibility standards with vital upgrades

In 2006 the Anglican Foundation of Canada (AFC) established the LeSueur and Althera Brodie Fund to provide support for parish ...

Supporting imaginative ministry in our Diocese

“We must knock at every door…door and rouse the inhabitants to devote a small portion of what God has bestowed ...

Prayer CAN change your life

This morning, during the quiet time I try to have each day, a special memory came to me. This is ...

St. Paul’s holds Indigenous Day of Learning and Sharing

St. Paul’s Brockville held an Indigenous Day of Learning and Sharing this past October. The day was planned to bring ...

Stewardship Reflections with the Ven. Wayne Varley

Report on reducing emissions in Diocese of Ontario churches

The 2021 Synod passed a resolution addressing our responsibilities under the Fifth Mark of Mission of the Anglican Communion: to ...

Forgiveness and reconciliation as Christians

People don’t understand forgiveness. It is a counter -cultural concepts in our modern times. We are living in a “three ...

Music and literacy among 2024 Say Yes! to Kids projects in our diocese

Say Yes! to Kids (SYTK) is the Anglican Foundation of Canada’s (AFC) nationwide effort to drive innovation, increase collaboration, and ...

THE APPRENTICE: on the job clergy learning with the executive officer

I remember one day in the Diocese of Ottawa when I had finished work. I was waiting for the bus ...

Re-new Creation St. Luke’s Leeds Thrift Shop Celebrates 5 Years in Elgin

Re-new Creation, St. Luke’s Leeds Thrift Shop in Elgin, celebrates five years in its new location on June 27, 2024. ...

The Lord is my Shepherd, I’ll not want

“Only God can judge,” and “I am a child of God,” are two phrases that I say to myself often. ...

Check-in on community engagement with coordinator Russ Grant

Here are some common themes, observations and perception of challenges faced from the parishes I’ve had the opportunity to visit ...

Stewardship Reflections with the Ven. Wayne Varley

Dialogue to stop printing in 2025, to join online

In December of 2011, Bishop Michael Oulton wrote a letter to the congregations of the Diocese of Ontario outlining Synod ...

Waiting in hope? Or waiting for apocalypse?

Dark clouds loom! Increasingly devastating news about climate; wildfires, historic heat waves, devastating droughts and floods, climate refugees; all converge ...

Church as agent of ‘disruptive’ spirit

Disruption is a word that more often than not can strike fear into the hearts of people who are terrified ...

Outreach St. George’s Kingston continues to serve those most in need

As Kingston’s oldest food-providing agency, Outreach St. George’s Kingston (OSGK) has been successfully helping the under-served populations of Kingston and ...

Lay readers enjoy harvest of ‘Summer Fruit’

“With God nothing is impossible” quoted Bishop William Cliff at the closing Eucharist of this year’s Summer Fruit for Souls—which ...

Challenge to us in our diocese—Autumn and beyond!

“God does not want us to do extraordinary things; He wants us to do ordinary things extraordinarily well.” The Right ...

Sister let me be your servant: Funding renewed Guest House at SSJD

Our 2025 Diocesan Synod is less than a year away and there still remains matters from our 2023 Synod, specifically ...

Oh God, where are you in all this?

“Herod feared John and protected him, knowing him to be a righteous and holy man.” – Mark 6:20 Do you ...

Stewardship Reflections with the Ven. Wayne Varley

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